ABSA (Barclays), DBSA, Futuregrowth, IDC, IFC, Investec, Nedbank, Old Mutual, RMB, SMBC, Standard Bank, Vantage GreenX
Project description
DNV is acting as a Lenders Technical Advisor for over 1000 MW of wind and solar projects in South Africa. These projects have achieved preferred bidder status under the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) in South Africa. The advisory services we are supplying include due diligence for financing as well as construction monitoring and operational monitoring on behalf of the lenders.
As part of this work, we have used our industry leading energy assessment tools and analysis to provide bankable reports for financing. We have analysed over 5 GW of wind and solar projects in the region.
Lenders technical advisor in South Africa
Providing technical advisory services for a large contingent of renewable energy IPPs on behalf of senior debt lenders.