Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Program Administrators (PAs) and Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC)
The Green Communities Act of 2008 required the Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Program Administrators (PAs) to develop comprehensive gas and electric energy efficiency plans for the Commonwealth, the act also established the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC). The Council’s priorities are to ensure develop, implement, evaluate, and monitor the implementation of these state- and nation-leading plans. Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V) is an integral component of the efficiency programs in Massachusetts; and since 2010, DNV has conducted 74 studies in the areas of Market Assessment Evaluations (21), Net to Gross Evaluations (11), Process Evaluations (12) and Impact Evaluations (30) of the commercial and industrial program offerings.
As part of the EM&V work conducted in Massachusetts, DNV undertakes an annual data extract consisting of over 100 data sets, from multiple IT source systems, transforms 1,000’s of columns of data to standardized and consistent values, and loads hundreds of thousands of billing and tracking records to standardize and integrate each year’s new raw data into the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) evaluation database. In order to achieve the objectives of the energy efficiency programs, DNV integrates the Massachusetts billing and tracking data into an evaluation database to generate in-depth analysis and graphic-rich reporting with cross-program views of the data at as granular a level as feasible without compromising data confidentiality. Further, the data is being updated and analyzed annually to identify new trends in the data and to verify patterns over time.
The analysis and reporting of this data provides a large body of work from which the PAs and the EEAC can accurately quantify and report on trends in their programs and the markets they serve. They also support formulation of testable hypotheses for areas of deeper interest for process, market, and impact assessment studies.