An online commerce company
Data centers have become a vital matter for today’s society. As the demand for data is still growing exponentially, global players need to investigate appropriate sites for new data centers. For these sites power reliability and security of supply are of utmost importance. Also, they want to operate their business with the smallest possible impact on local communities and the global environment. DNV supports one of these global players in the site selection process on a global basis.
DNV has developed a method for Grid Connection Verification that enables us to investigate and verify the properties of grid connection points with respect to the reliability for the input or output of electric power.
Added value
Power grids and their structures vary widely across the different regions of the world. As well as the market structures and procedures do, that are applied to connect assets to these networks.
As DNV is active in more than 100 countries we can provide grid connection verification projects on a global scale applying our standard assessment method and also being able to amend it to local situations. This brings an unique advantage to global providers of data centers. As these companies also strive to have established procedures for their projects in place, they can rely for their site due diligences on a proven framework, global transparant procedures, and local expertise.